Metrolinq™ Alignment Scope, 9x50 Magnification Accessory

Metrolinq™ Alignment Scope, 9x50 Magnification Accessory

Stok Kodu: ICC-SCOPE-9x50

Utilizing leading-edge technology, IgniteNet’s MetroLinq™ Alignment Scope delivers unprecedented performance and ensures precise antenna positioning in the field, bringing accuracy during deployments, installations, and ongoing operations. Initial antenna position is critical during Metrolinq™ antenna upgrades or new deployments for post installation network performance. The Metrolinq™ Alignment Scope saves time and money by eliminating costly site re-visits and re-climbs.

Using the MetroLinq™ Alignment Scope is quick and easy. After mounting the scope to the MetroLinq™ chassis using the straightforward attachment system, the installer simply adjusts the antenna to center the scope crosshairs on the target endpoint location to ensure proper link alignment.

Other helpful uses include verifying optical line of sight for the link, ensuring local mount placement viability, and determining ideal mount locations for distant endpoints.